3/25/2020, 9:40pm

Slate Speaks: Commencement ceremonies should be postponed, not cancelled

Graduation is the culmination of a student’s years of hard work inside and outside of the classroom. The ceremony is much more than a student walking across a stage in a cap and gown — it is a celebration. Students receive their diplomas and present their accolades to the friends and family who supported them along the way.

3/3/2020, 12:00pm

Letters to the Editor: Minimum Wage and Checking Sources

Multiple studies have found that raising the minimum wage does not lead to job loss, according to institutions such as the University of California-Berkley, the Institute for Research on Labor and Employment, the Center for Economic and Policy Research, and the government watchdog, Integrity Florida.

3/3/2020, 12:00pm

The Slate Speaks: Employers should not judge applicants’ social media

Today, this generation has been introduced to many social media outlets. Social media content can range from tweeting about the lack of milk in the refrigerator to an abstract Instagram post on political views. From Instagram, to Facebook, to the newest sensation Tik Tok, we have access to the world by simply hitting the upload button.

2/25/2020, 12:00pm

Take five minutes: The facade of a minimum wage increase

The current Democratic front-runners in the 2020 presidential race, Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, and Pete Buttigieg, each hold common ground on one particular policy: Raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour.