8/27/2024, 2:30pm

Election update: 70 days to go

Pennsylvania is slated to be a primary battleground state as the 2024 general election continues to heat up. Quite a lot has changed over the summer, transforming the race into one that would have been unrecognizable a few months ago.  

8/27/2024, 2:30pm

Your World Today: My promise to you

One way or another, another summer has ended, and we are back in the routine of the fall semester. This time of year is always full of excitement across campus with new changes, new faces and the promise of a new academic year in front of us.  One of the most exciting changes for me is that I am beginning my senior year as The Slate’s Editor-in-Chief for the next academic year. As EIC, I want to address our readers directly and lay out my promises of what you can expect from our organization over the coming months. 

4/30/2024, 12:00pm

‘That is Resistance’: Lecturer on Palestinian endurance

“Like the cactus, they can demolish the stones, but the roots stay and will come back up.”  This was one of many thought-provoking statements said by James Zogby, chair of the DNC Ethnic Council, in Stewart Hall on Monday, April 22. Zogby’s speech, which was part of the International Studies department’s annual lecture program, focused on the Palestinian culture of resistance both before and after the Oct. 7 attack that sparked the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Gaza.

4/30/2024, 12:00pm

Your World Tomorrow Commentary: A full-circle life moment

I do not usually believe in things being “meant to be.” I do not believe in love at first sight. I do not buy into astrology and what I should allegedly be like as a Cancer. I do not believe there is a God. I know, however, that Elizabeth Peters and I were meant to meet.

4/30/2024, 12:00pm

Your World Today Commentary: The end comes anyways

I sobbed so hard I almost threw up when I lost my pencil case last semester. My small, yellow, Choonshik the Kakao friend pencil case disappeared at the end of last November, and I tore apart campus trying to find it.  Inside was a lead pencil, small pen, eraser and sticky notes, but the reason a part of me died in The Slate office when I realized it was lost forever was not because of the contents. I was inconsolable because the case itself had been a gift from Siwon, my Korean roommate from Soonchunhyang University in South Korea. 

4/30/2024, 12:00pm

Gaza and abortion on the ballot in PA Primary

The presidential race came closer to home this week as the Pennsylvania 2024 primary election kicked off on Tuesday, April 23. The campaigns running in Pennsylvania included both the Democratic and Republican primaries, as well as the primaries for attorney general, auditor general and treasurer. There were also several primaries for Congressional positions.

4/30/2024, 12:00pm

Darrell Newton named Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs

Darrell Newton was selected as the university’s next Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA), starting July 1, 2024.  A search committee narrowed the list from 80 candidates to 12 semi-finalists. Newton was then selected among three finalists, with the announcement coming from Shippensburg University President Charles Patterson on April 26, 10 days after finalist interviews ended.

4/30/2024, 12:00pm

Progress updates shared at University Forum

University Forum held its second-to-last meeting at the Ezra Lehman Library on April 23, in which the University Curriculum Committee (UCC), Student Affairs and other groups exchanged progress updates. 

4/17/2024, 1:30pm

SGA approves activity fee increase at public meeting

Shippensburg University’s Student Government Association announced the approval of an increase to the student activity fee at its April 11 public meeting. The news broke the day before student group budgets for the 2024-25 academic year were announced, so groups will have an opportunity to request additional funds, according to SGA VP of Finance Katie Huston.

4/16/2024, 1:30pm

SGA Corner: Closing remarks

As my term in student government ends, I want to express my gratitude for the privilege of serving you. Together, we have achieved much, and I am proud of what we’ve accomplished.  This year’s experience of being President of the SGA has allowed me to make greater connections on campus and understand how students really do play a role to make a change.