Julianna Vaughan


Commentary: SU should keep hybrid learning, increases access

When I transferred to Shippensburg University in fall 2019, I already had more than 70 credits under my belt from two prior colleges. I had taken all of my electives and general education courses. After making the sudden decision to switch from psychology to English, the only courses left to fulfill my degree requirements were English courses, scattered with a few foreign language classes. I had no idea how difficult it would be to fulfill my degree requirement until I was a semester in. Who would have thought how difficult it would be to commute from 45 minutes away and still manage to take all of my required courses? 

Virtual meditations aims to combat stress

In an age of constant energy and discussion and stimulation, sometimes it can be hard to remember to step back and breathe for a minute. Shippensburg’s Mindfulness Series, led by Dr. Toru Sato (who prefers to just be called “Toru”), gives SU students, staff and community that opportunity in bi-weekly sessions. 

SU community deals with transition to online, hybrid classes

Unlike many universities across the country that closed their doors to in-person classes until 2021, Shippensburg University took the chance to invite students back while implementing strict guidelines to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. 

Students find spiritual support in ‘Faith Pods’ during turbulent times

During times of uncertainty, many people often cling to religion as a way to guide them through their troubles. As we move into our third week on campus, there is still plenty of uncertainty and unrest as students try to adjust to the new normal and face the tragedies that seem to be non-stop in society.

Commuters urged to get involved on campus

Commuters have just as many opportunities to fulfill that while still being able to go back to their own home afterward. Here are three tips for commuter students to help them start their year off right.