10/5/2021, 12:00pm

The Slate Speaks: Diverse Diets: Diverse Options

Everyone has different dietary needs to fit their own lifestyle. These diets each have their own restrictions and require their own accommodations. Many people’s diets are by choice, others for health or religious purposes. Options served by the university limit these restrictions even more. Students with dietary and allergenic needs end up consuming the same few dishes for every meal. 

9/28/2021, 12:00pm

NDOs are a no-brainer for safety of LGBTQ2IA+ individuals

I’m what you might call a “late bloomer.” I was in my late twenties when I realized my attraction to, well, everyone meant that I wasn’t the straight girl I thought I was. As I began to explore my queer identity, I had to reconcile how my coming out would affect various aspects of my life. One question I found myself asking was, “Can I lose my job for being a queer woman?” As it stands today: yes, I can. 

9/14/2021, 12:00pm

That's What it's All About: A Conversation about racism

On August 27th while I waited for the SGA retreat in the lounge outside the MPR, I sat down at a table. At a table over sat another student. He was on the phone with his aunt, begging her to come pick him up. Alas, she wasn’t able to make it to Ship until 10 pm, so he told her that he’d take the bus to Harrisburg and get a train back to Philly from there. This was at 3p.m. 

9/7/2021, 12:00pm

Opinion Commentary: Phones: our stressful hang-up

  Cell phones are fantastic tools; they give us access to limitless knowledge, keep us in touch with loved ones and most of all, they give us endless amounts of social media and news to consume. The one problem is these little bricks of endless entertainment can cause extreme stress.

8/31/2021, 3:30pm

Returning to “normal”

As we begin our second week of classes, I can’t help but admit it feels weird returning to the normal we once treated as nothing special. Seeing large crowds on campus and entire classrooms filled to the maximum, can make people anxious.