4/26/2022, 12:00pm

FGSA serves first-generation students, helping them adjust to academic and campus life

As a first-generation student herself, junior psychology major Cassidy Keilholtz knows a thing or two about the struggles of being the first in your family to pursue a four-year degree. As president of the First-Generation Student Alliance (FGSA) club at Shippensburg University, Keilholtz is passionate about helping fellow first-generation students successfully navigate the college experience. 

4/26/2022, 12:00pm

SU students and faculty work to make campus more sustainable

From shifting weather predictions, to mass storms across the southern United States, it seems some aspects of climate change are rearing their head. “It’s quite clear, from study after study, that the rate of resource extraction, the rate of population growth, is exorbitant and we can’t continue to extract resources at the same rate that we always have.” said Sean Cornell, a geography and earth sciences professor at Shippensburg University. 

4/26/2022, 12:00pm

Get to know SGA senator candidates

The Student Government Association’s senator elections are ongoing and will close on Thursday, April 21, at 4 p.m. There are six candidates running across the four positions — the College of Business Senator, the College of Arts & Sciences Senator, the Class of 2024 Senator and the VP of Internal Affairs.

4/26/2022, 12:00pm

Green League and Environmental Awareness

“It’s quite clear, from study after study, that the rate of resource extraction, the rate of population growth, is exorbitant and we can’t continue to extract resources at the same rate that we always have,” said Sean Cornell, an SU associate geography and earth sciences professor. From shifting weather predictions, to mass storms across the southern United States, it seems some aspects of climate change are rearing their head.

4/12/2022, 12:00pm

SGA senator elections underway, officer position to be included

Just a few weeks after the Student Government Association’s officer elections, senators are suiting up for their own elections to take place. Voting begins on Monday April 18 at 8 a.m. through Thursday April 21 at 4 p.m. Voting will take place online through Shiplink again and an email will be sent to Shippensburg University students containing the voting link. 

4/5/2022, 12:00pm

Guest speaker addresses mass incarceration of women and girls

Every seat in Old Main Chapel was occupied on Wednesday, March 30, as Jill McCorkel, sociology and criminology professor at Villanova University, presented her lecture titled “It’s not Prison Reform if We Leave Women and Girls Behind.” The event began with introductions by Allison Carey, SU sociology department chair, and Theresa Ward, sociology senior and department tutor. 

4/5/2022, 12:00pm

SGA hosts brief public meeting

The Student Government Association held a public meeting on March 31 in Orndorff Theater at 4:15 p.m.. The meeting concluded shortly after the opening remarks, despite the tensions present at the last public meeting.

3/22/2022, 12:00pm

Experts host panel to discuss war on Ukraine with SU students

On Feb 24, Vladimir Putin launched an attack on the country and citizens of Ukraine. In an effort to educate students about the ongoing conflict, Shippensburg University hosted a panel with some local experts. The panel, made up of three experts, included Catherine Clay, David Wildermuth and Mark Sachleben. Clay specializes in Russian history, and was a Fulbright scholar in Kyiv, Ukraine, in 1999. Clay presented some early history on the eastern European migration, and the beginnings of the Russian empire. Learning the history of these two countries can help us better understand the motives that are present today.

3/22/2022, 12:00pm

Student peacekeepers aided peers during demonstrator visit

On March 14, demonstrators from the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) set up outside of Reisner Dining Hall. While the waves of students passed by for lunchtimes, the group played bagpipes and chanted different phrases to bring attention to their group’s message.  

2/22/2022, 12:00pm

Stay safe and have a blast on spring break

If a student’s spring break plans include alcohol consumption, be sure to do so responsibly. Travelers can look out for their health by remembering to drink water in between alcoholic drinks and pacing themselves to avoid alcohol poisoning or hangovers. When going out with others, travelers should watch each other’s backs and keep an eye on their surroundings, whether it is walking down the street to the next bar or getting into an Uber.