Katie Huston SGA Vice President-Elect of Internal Affairs


Hard deadline issued for student group budget requests

The Student Government Association’s Budget & Finance Committee issued a hard deadline for student groups that are eligible to request an operating budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year. The budget requests are required to be handed in physically to the SUSSI office no later than the deadline of Jan. 29, at 4 p.m.   

Shippensburg University Alumni Spotlights 2023

Shippensburg University alumni reunited with each other behind Seth Grove Stadium for the annual homecoming tailgate before the football game on Nov. 4. The SU alumni joined with current SU students at their cars and organization tents to celebrate this year’s homecoming.

Caucasian is not a fancy word for white

For the majority of my life, I have struggled with accepting my identity as an Armenian woman. I grew up being told by my father that because we were Caucasian we were white, and I accepted that. When you grow up in rural America, diverse representation is extremely limited. You do not see or hear much about race or ethnicity beyond Black, white or Asian.

S.U.P.E.R. map launches successfully

The Shippensburg University Pennsylvania Election Research (S.U.P.E.R.) Map launch party took place on Wednesday, Oct. 12, in McFeely’s Cafe. A class of Wood Honors College students spent the first eight weeks of the semester compiling credited voter data from each county, entering it all into their database, creating the Geographic Information System (GIS) and reaching out to reporters to introduce the S.U.P.E.R. Map to them. 

Shippensburg University alumni spotlights

Shippensburg University alumni gathered behind Seth Grove Stadium for another year of tailgating befor the homecoming football game on Oct. 15. Alumni and current students gathered near their own cars or organization tents to socialize before the game. The Slate spoke with some of the alumni who attended this year’s SU tailgate to hear the recounts of the generations of SU alumni.