11/13/2018, 4:04pm

Commentary: What Thanksgiving really stands for

Thanksgiving­ — a time to be grateful for your friends and family, as well as a time of privilege for those who forget that their high school history books may have left out a thing or two about the “harmonious” day between the Native Americans (the Wampanoag), the settlers and the events that followed. 

11/13/2018, 3:11pm

goatspeak: Save your life, take a hike

Maybe you’ve seen some variation of that evolution cartoon — various early humanoid caricatures depicted on the evolutionary path from left to right, culminating in modern man and hunched awkwardly over a computer. The point is clear: the human body isn’t very well adapted to sitting around all day. We need to move. 

10/30/2018, 12:00am

Commentary: Trans are people too

With the uprising of hatred for transgender individuals in the eyes of the government, President Donald Trump has shown his disapproval of the LGBT community by defining gender strictly on the sex characteristics of biological men and women. 

10/9/2018, 5:22pm

Cultures are not costumes

Halloween is approaching at lightening speed, and for all of you who dress up for Halloween, sometimes there may be a temptation to dress up as Native Americans.

10/2/2018, 12:53pm

goatspeak: #bikechurch

To paraphrase Tim Krabbe, nature generously rewards those willing to court her.