2/28/2024, 5:15pm

McCormick takes aim at Bob Casey at CPAC

Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey was labeled a “man of inaction” by Republican Senate candidate Dave McCormick Friday as McCormick spoke during the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). 

2/28/2024, 5:15pm

Campus housing selection sees major issues, frustrates students

Shippensburg University’s selection process for on-campus housing suffered severe technical hiccups, leaving many students irate.  The selection initially opened on Feb. 13, but server overload caused the process to shut down partway through and was reopened on Feb. 22.

2/20/2024, 12:00pm

Thersa Runstedtler fights the Black Balling of Black Ballers

Shippensburg University welcomed Theresa Runstedtler, a professor at American University as well as the author of the book “Black Ball,” on Feb. 15.  Runstedtler began her journey with the National Basketball Association in 1995 as one of the Toronto Raptors performers, which allowed her to closely observe “a lot about the racial labor dynamics of the NBA” and how it has gotten to where it is today.

2/6/2024, 1:30pm

Select Diner closing, but will return

The Select Diner, located in downtown Shippensburg, closed its doors on Jan. 14. The diner, which until recently was open 24 hours a day, is temporarily shuttering its doors for renovations. That process is expected to take 3–5 weeks according to Anita Peters, a manager who spoke to The Slate on Jan. 14. The restaurant will reopen with a new name, refurbished interior design and an updated menu. 

2/6/2024, 1:30pm

Trump takes lead in Shippensburg University Caucus

Shippensburg students, staff and faculty gathered in Stewart Hall last Tuesday evening to participate in the fifth Ship Caucus. Attendees huddled in groups to support their favored candidates in the 2024 presidential election.  Former President Donald Trump received the most support, with 41% of the vote. Cornel West took second place with 38%, beating out President Joe Biden’s 21%. Twenty-three of the caucus’ 56 delegates were awarded to Trump, with West receiving 21 and Biden the remaining 12. 

2/6/2024, 1:30pm

Your World Today: How to Know Yourself

If there is one thing I am good at, it is being myself. That sounds like a no-brainer, but it has taken me a solid decade to truly work out who I am in relation to my own nature, those around me and my role in society.  Having a deep knowledge of who you are is key to having a good relationship with other people, whether they are strangers, romantic partners or friends. You should take the time to evaluate who you are to yourself, especially with a certain, semi-painful holiday coming up next Wednesday. 

1/30/2024, 1:00pm

SGA resumes meetings and working on student groups budgets

Welcome back! I hope you had a restful winter break filled with joy. As we start the new year, I’m excited to see us all back at school. As we enter this semester, SGA is driven to work on all tasks needed and to continue to represent all voices on campus. 

1/30/2024, 1:00pm

Your World Today: A bittersweet sunset

There are very few old-school titans of broadcast television who are still with us. The Alex Trebeks. The Walter Cronkites. The Edward R. Murrows.  This week, we lost one of those titans. Charles Osgood, the host of CBS Sunday Morning from 1994 to 2016 and a legendary figure at CBS News, died on Jan. 23. For me, he was so much more than just a TV host.

1/30/2024, 1:00pm

Despite Trump’s Iowa and New Hampshire victory, Haley continues bid for Republican nominee

As the 2024 presidential election closer, the Republican Iowa Caucus took place on Monday, Jan. 15, and was followed by the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday, Jan. 23. Due to freezing Midwest temperatures, voter turnout was much lower this January than in previous years’ contests. Despite the circumstances, support for Donald Trump remained strong among Republicans, paving a clear path to victory for the former president.