3/23/2021, 12:00pm

Review: ‘The Snyder Cut’ delivers director’s epic four-hour vision

When “Justice League” hit theaters in late 2017, it was both a critical and financial disaster. With stories of endless production troubles and expensive reshoots, many felt that it was doomed from the start. The most notable being the replacing of director Zack Snyder with Marvel “Avengers” director Joss Whedon.

3/23/2021, 12:00pm

SHAPE Gallery suspends operation

The Shippensburg Arts Programming and Education (SHAPE) Gallery announced the suspension of all operations until further notice due to damage caused by an apartment fire above the gallery over the weekend. 

3/9/2021, 12:00pm

SHAPE Gallery opens new exhibit

On March 5, the Shippensburg Arts Programming & Education Gallery (SHAPE Gallery) opened its doors for their newest exhibit titled “Unmuted.”

11/10/2020, 12:00pm

Musicians perform unconventional concert

Shippensburg University and community musicians filled the Ceddia Union Building (CUB) Ampitheater with music Sunday afternoon. This was the second Sunday concert event by SU students.