You know what grinds my gears? Subtweeting.

Yeah, I, just like so many other people, have been drawn into the social media site Twitter and all that goes with it.

It is similar to Facebook in some ways, but vastly different at the same time.

Twitter always seemed to me like the safe haven, the place you could go to express your thoughts, interact with so many others, and just have a good time.

Subtweeting ruins all of that.

It is the only downfall to Twitter, and everyone who has ever used Twitter is well aware of the subtweet.

I was always raised that if you do not have something nice to say then do not say anything at all.

I might have never followed that but if I had a problem with something I wanted to work things out.

The entire Facebook world is there for people to fight and cause drama.

We did it to Myspace and now hardly anyone remembers that thing.

Twitter is great to not only broaden the things you are into, but make connections with those in the world that Facebook does not allow.

Subtweeting scars Twitter, as so many people love to just express their feelings toward someone by indirectly tweeting about them in a way that they know it is about them.

Subtweeting is a mind control thing, and regardless if you feel guilty or not, you still fall into the spell.

I saw someone subtweet about someone stealing their bras and even I started to look around my room feeling guilty.

It twists you around and irritates you, just like a Facebook status.

I wish that it did not exist because drama ruins social media. Drama is everywhere, we all know that.

I just want to know why we have to drag every social media site to its demise by littering it with nothing but drama garbage.

Twitter should be left alone, and only used for good and not evil.

When you subtweet once you always want to do it.

It gives you the power of feeling clever when everyone else just sees it as tacky.

The only person that a subtweet affects is the person tweeting it.

They have let someone or something get to them so much that they have to run to social media to feel better about it.

I try my best not to be a hypocrite, but I am sure there are things that people could get me on.

I never remember subtweeting, but I have “blasted” someone on Facebook.

We are all kids at ome point in our lives and we all make dumb mistakes.
I just want Twitter to be left alone.

We all remember that weird YouTube video where that guy cried about people messing with Britney Spears.

Well that is how I feel about subtweeting. Just leave Twitter alone.

It never did anything to hurt you so we should try not to fill up our timeline, or whatever the kids call it and finally live with a useful social media site.

Tweet happy or do not tweet at all.

That is all I ask of you.

Please and thank you.