In My Opinion

4/23/2012 10:10pm

The Price of Positivity

As graduation approaches and the senior class is finishing classes, studying for finals and sending out resumes to anyone who will accept them, we are also looking back on our years here at Shippensburg University.

4/16/2012 11:22pm

The Price of Pesticides

When you hear the word “pesticides” what do you think of? When asked about pesticides, many think of farms and produce, but do not think much about these chemicals.

4/10/2012 1:42am

The Price of Faith

In today’s society, it is all too common for parents to use their children for publicity and financial gain.

3/5/2012 9:47pm

The Price of Curves

“Hotness comes in all shapes and sizes,” and “Bold Curves” on women are attractive — according to recent campaigns from Levi’s Jeans. Levi’s Jeans released a controversial ad for their Curve ID line that claimed to accept women of all shapes and sizes, but only depicted women of one shape, in three very small sizes.

2/25/2012 4:56pm

The Price of Co-parenting

Singles websites are a way to meet new people. Many find new friends and some even find “significant others.” From to, there are many websites aimed at helping adults find that “special someone.” Some of these websites charge a fee for the boost in one’s dating life, while others allow free personality tests and compatibility quizzes.

2/25/2012 4:49pm

The Price of School Lunches

With obesity topping the list of issues facing Americans today, one has to wonder when the slippery slope of unhealthy choices begins.

2/25/2012 4:43pm

The Price of Presidency

The year 2012 is upon us and with it brings superstitions of the world’s end. Those fears and predictions, however, are not filling up media spots and Facebook newsfeeds. Instead, the upcoming presidential election has become a popular discussion topic regardless of the news source.

2/25/2012 4:32pm

The Price of School Lunches

With obesity topping the list of issues facing Americans today, one has to wonder when the slippery slope of unhealthy choices begins.

2/25/2012 4:30pm

The Price of Co-parenting

The year 2012 is upon us and with it brings superstitions of the world’s end. Those fears and predictions, however, are not filling up media spots and Facebook newsfeeds. Instead, the upcoming presidential election has become a popular discussion topic regardless of the news source.

2/25/2012 4:30pm

The Price of Presidency

The year 2012 is upon us and with it brings superstitions of the world’s end. Those fears and predictions, however, are not filling up media spots and Facebook newsfeeds. Instead, the upcoming presidential election has become a popular discussion topic regardless of the news source.

2/25/2012 4:24pm

The Price of Plan B

Shippensburg University is a school that most often falls below the radar. Our student body of about 8,000 students rarely makes waves in the local media, let alone in national and even international newspapers and broadcasts.