Madi Shively Ship Life Editor


Elite unveils their top models for Statewide

Elite modeling troupe made Memorial Auditorium their runway during their Elite’s Next Top Model performance as a part of Shippenburg’s UMOJA Conference, also known as Statewide. 

Slowly but Shively: My local Barbie Land

During a time when I was lacking a female community in my life, I would yearn to exist in a world like Barbie Land. This was before I returned to my home gym for winter break and discovered Barbie Land was right in front of me in my local exercise dance class. 

Home is where the table is

There are many social events and organizational meetings occurring on campus every week, but none of them are quite like the one occurring at the table that sits beneath the stairwell by Dunkin in the Ceddia Union Building. 

Slowly But Shively: Drown out the lies

I am very much looking forward to this upcoming spring break. As a busy college student, I look forward to a refreshing break from deadlines, projects and assignments for a few days. 

Student Spotlight: Pierce Romey’s evolution of self-expression

When Pierce Romey arrived at Shippensburg University in 2020, he was unsure of what career he wanted to pursue. Now as he prepares to graduate, he expresses himself as an editor, an actor and a fashion icon of our campus. As one of the last Theatre minors at Shippensburg, Romey discussed how his theatre and English courses helped to develop his identity during his career. 

Slowly But Shively: Grateful for Mean

A recent guilty pleasure of mine has been investing in ABC’s “The Bachelor” series. I’m not proud of enjoying a show that does not pass the Bechdel test, but at the end of a long Monday, it can be fun to set my own worries aside and indulge in some catty drama with a side of hunky tennis player.
